Hey team, it's Cecilia. 

I know we’ve had a lot of updates lately, so I’ll keep this quick. We are:

  • 50 days out from Election Day
  • 2 days away from our September mid-month fundraising deadline
  • 702 donations away from hitting 20,000 grassroots donations this election cycle

Why is that last number so special? It shows the strength of our people-powered support. 20,000 grassroots donations is 20,000 people like you choosing to invest in Mike’s race to keep moving Mississippi forward. Unlike Confederate Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mike hasn’t taken a dime from corporate PACs, so grassroots donations from folks like you are truly the backbone of this campaign.

Every donation we receive between now and Election Day will power this campaign by helping us hold virtual and socially distant events, register voters, reach undecided voters with our TV and online ads, and spread Mike’s vision for a stronger Mississippi across the state.

Will you help us reach this major milestone before Wednesday’s midnight deadline by chipping in $5, $10, $25, or whatever you can? You could be our 20,000th — and help us hit our important, mid-month fundraising goals!!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you do for Mike’s campaign and to move Mississippi forward.

Cecilia Criddle
Finance Director
Espy for Senate