September 14, 2020

Monday Nature Mystery

Wow, the answers came in fast and furious last week and we had another tie! We determined the winner by a highly scientific method (see photo). We are pleased to announce the winner of our Monday Nature Mystery, Allison Gallo!

Allison correctly guessed Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula). The Spotted Lanternfly is a plant hopper and invasive insect. If you see one destroy it immediately! Learn more about its life cycle and what you can to do to help combat this pest by clicking here.

Each Monday we’ll post a new photo and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.

Here is this week’s mystery photo:

Be sure to post your answers on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under the Monday Mystery not reply to this email with your guess!

Photo: Laura McDonald

Do you know what these are? They were observed in a pollinator garden in Northern Virginia. Post your guess (please list both common name and Latin name) on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under Monday Nature Mystery. 

Good luck!

-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia · 11100 Wildlife Center Drive · Ste. 100 · Reston, VA 20190 · USA