Today marks exactly one year since our grassroots campaign won the Third District’s Democratic primary for Congress.
And honestly, not a single day goes by that I don’t remember election night. 
From the moment the results came in, I pledged to fight for universal healthcare, protect Social Security, invest in good-paying jobs and infrastructure, and help pass common sense gun safety legislation. This is the platform I ran on and it’s the platform I carried with me to DC.

Together, we’ve not only fought for so many of these issues in Congress but we changed the face of the Massachusetts delegation. Our district was the first in our state’s history in which a woman (our lifelong champion Congresswoman Niki Tsongas), passed the baton to another woman. As a result, my friend and colleague Ayanna Pressley and I were able to join a record number of women in Congress.

Stand with our movement today – one year after our historic win – and chip in to help our campaign keep growing everything we’ve started since September 4, 2018.
My election was a win for women and working families everywhere.
We know that when we have more women seated at the table, we’re actually able to make a difference in women’s lives. With that seat, we can guarantee equal pay for equal work, reproductive freedom, and paid family leave.
Together, we created a grassroots-powered movement, and supporters like you have helped fuel us every step along the way. And together, we’ll keep advocating and legislating to make real progress without a dime from corporate PACs. But it’s going to take each of us giving it our all to make it a reality.