From Brian Derrick <[email protected]>
Subject trying to remain calm
Date September 14, 2020 11:27 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Honestly, as finance director, I'm pretty used to being in a regular state of panic, but I'm particularly nervous right now and here's why:

Tomorrow is the mid-month deadline -- our first deadline since our opponent went up with new TV ads -- and that means the final quarterly FEC deadline of the entire election is just two weeks away.


At the end of the month, our numbers will go public and everyone will be watching: the press and our supporters as well as our corporate lobbyist opponent, Washington Republicans, and the outside groups that are attacking Mikie.

We're tracking behind where we need to be, and at this stage in the campaign -- when we're about to launch our first TV ad of the general election and our opponent is already up on the air with ads -- we can't afford to miss a single goal.

When we reach our goals, we can keep our ad up on the air, counter the attacks, and make critical voter contacts before November. And we have an important goal to raise 500 small-dollar contributions before the deadline tomorrow -- if you can, please chip in now.



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