BREAKING NEWS: Dodd-Frank Act provides banks legal provisions to confiscate YOUR retirement savings to protect themselves during the next financial crisis. |
If you’re not taking steps right now to protect yourself from the “bail-ins” put into place by the Dodd-Frank Act that allow banks to legally confiscate your retirement savings, then you could be more at-risk than ever before. |
Request your FREE SPECIAL REPORTS to find out if your retirement savings are at risk, and what you can do to protect them. |
But you need to keep reading, because it gets worse. |
Because of new Money Market Reform rules, banks are now allowed to temporarily freeze withdrawals for whatever time period they deem appropriate on certain investment types you could have in your retirement accounts right now! |
At the time when you need it most... |
Unless you take action right now! |
If you have $100,000 or more in your IRA, 401(k), Pension, TSP or savings account there are investment options that can help you protect your retirement savings. |
REQUEST YOUR FREE SPECIAL REPORTS NOW to make sure your hard-earned dollars are safe from confiscation! |