Dear friend,

We only need to flip four Senate seats this November to win back the majority. In 2018, two pro-choice women candidates, Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona and Jacky Rosen in Nevada, flipped seats long held by Republicans. This year, EMILY’s List has endorsed five pro-choice, Democratic women to do it again.

Join me in supporting these women’s campaigns by donating to EMILY’s List’s Flip the Senate Moneybomb:

The “moneybomb” is taking today — September 14, 2020 — and the goal is $125,000. The deadline is midnight tonight. 100% of your contribution will go directly to their campaigns.

>>>Please contribute here:

The Candidates:

Dr. Barbara Bollier is a dedicated public servant and doctor. Her opponent has an extreme track record in Congress and wants to overturn the ACA. Barbara is a doctor with vast medical expertise who wants to improve health care.

Sara Gideon is serving her second term as Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives and wants to build an economy that will work for everyone. She’s facing Sen. Susan Collins, the least popular U. S. Senator and the deciding vote that put anti-choice Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

Theresa Greenfield is a scrappy farm kid who has persevered through tough setbacks and wants to save the Social Security safety net that helped her family for all. She faces Sen. Joni Ernst in November, an outspoken anti-choice activist who votes with Trump more than 90% of the time.

MJ Hegar is a combat veteran who has a Purple Heart and fought for women to be able to take on greater roles in the military. She faces Sen. John Cornyn who has voted to repeal the ACA more than 20 times and openly mocked social distancing guidelines at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paulette Jordan is a trailblazing leader. She was the youngest person ever elected to the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Council and the first Native woman nominated for governor in U. S. history. She faces Sen. Jim Risch whose dangerous agenda has hurt Idahoans. He votes with Trump more than 90% of the time and voted to acquit Trump of impeachment despite falling asleep during the impeachment hearing.

The outcome in these races will be the difference between a new progressive, Democratic majority and another two years of Mitch McConnell’s dangerous leadership.

Let’s put a stop to anti-choice Supreme Court nominations, threats to defund Planned Parenthood, reckless efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and all of Mitch McConnell’s obstruction and corruption.

Thank you for all your support, and let’s keep doing everything we can in these last months before the election. We can’t leave anything on the table.


Martin Heinrich





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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125