Neuroscience is a huge collection of answers with no memory of the questions.

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September 14, 2020
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Egnor: Why the Mind Can’t Just Be the Brain

Over the past century, neuroscientists have amassed vast libraries of data. But their interpretation of their data on the mind-brain question shows no meaningful understanding of the genuine questions their research is tasked to answer.

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Marks: After Thursday’s Dogfight, It’s Clear: DARPA Gets AI Right

AI prevailed against a human in DARPA’s recent AlphaDogfight trials. Given that DeepMind’s AI achieved the level of grandmaster in the StarCraft II video game, AI beating a human in a simulated closed world contest is not impressive. What is impressive is AlphaDogfight’s role in DARPA’s overall plan for the development of AI in the military.

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Holloway: Here Is a Way We Can Be Sure If We Are Living in a Multiverse

Many scientists believe we live in a multiverse. This idea was first introduced by quantum physicist Erwin Schrödinger as a way to make sense of quantum superposition, the idea that a particle exists in two different states at once before it is measured. Fortunately, there is a simple way we can test the multiverse hypothesis.

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O'Leary: In What Ways Are Cats Intelligent?

Dogs are often seen as smarter than cats because they can do more jobs for humans. But humans bred dogs for millennia to do those very jobs. Cats have also made themselves useful to humans by killing pest rodents. But we best help the cat kill rodents just by getting out of his way. Thus, to assess cat intelligence vs. dog intelligence, we need points of true comparison.

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A.I. Jesus Sputters from the King James Bible

The developer of A.I. Jesus is brazen about his intentions: “In these days of trials and tribulations many have turned to religion. But what religion is left for those who have averted their gaze from the fables of old to the shiny metal toys of today? I present to you A.I. Jesus. An artificial intelligence of my invention created from the King James Bible and nothing else.”

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IDTF  Mind Matters Podcast
  CNAI Podcast

Can Computers Think?
September 10, 2020
The Evolution (or Not) of Consciousness
September 3, 2020
Bingecast: Robert J. Marks on the Limitations of Artificial Intelligence
August 27, 2020
Bernardo Kastrup on Panpsychism and Cosmopsychism
August 20, 2020
Does the Moon Exist if No One is Looking at It?
August 13, 2020

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