Support Barbara, Sara, Theresa, MJ, and Paulette.
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Chuck Schumer

Friend --

Flip five seats, elect five new women to the U.S. Senate? Let’s do this.

I’m joining EMILY’s List to support five challengers for Senate seats this year -- Dr. Barbara Bollier in Kansas, Sara Gideon in Maine, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, MJ Hegar in Texas, and Paulette Jordan in Iowa -- and raise $125,000 by midnight tonight.

Will you chip in $5 or more right now to help flip these five seats and elect these five incredible women to the U.S. Senate this fall?

$25 →
$50 →
$100 →

I’d love to share why I’ve joined EMILY’s List in support of these women -- here’s more about each of them:

Dr. Barbara Bollier is running for Senate in Congress, and is an experienced medical doctor and dedicated public servant fighting for Kansas working families. Kansas has never elected a Democratic woman to serve in the Senate, and I think it’s time we changed that!


Sara Gideon is a proven leader and dedicated public servant looking to flip Maine’s Senate seat from red to blue. Her opponent, Susan Collins, has voted to defund Planned Parenthood, voted against strengthening equal pay protections, and cast the deciding vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. We have to flip this seat.


Theresa Greenfield is a hardworking leader poised to fight for Iowa working families. She’s a champion for expanding economic opportunities, and -- much like Sara Gideon -- is looking to unseat a senator who voted to defund Planned Parenthood, against equal pay protections, and to repeal the Affordable Care Act. She needs our help to win.


MJ Hegar is a veteran and advocate for working families in Texas. She’s looking to flip this seat and replace Senator John Cornyn, who has spent two decades in Washington serving special interests over Texans. She’s a lifelong advocate for equal opportunity, and helped repeal the combat exclusion policy that limited women’s opportunities for advancement in the military. She’ll be an incredible senator.


Lastly, Paulette Jordan is a trailblazing leader and a champion for Idaho families. No state has ever elected a Native American woman to serve in the Senate, and Paulette has what it takes to make history as the first. Help make history and support her election to the U.S. Senate from Idaho.


Thanks for your support flipping five seats from red to blue, and making history by election five incredible women to the U.S. Senate this fall.


Chuck Schumer



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