Excited, terrified, conflicted -- we’ve got the help you need to face the election.


In a year so full of unexpected hurdles, it can sometimes be hard to find the energy to take action. It’s only natural to want a break! To keep myself from getting too low, I do a little bit every day to make sure I’m ready for the election. And with only 50 days left, it’s important we do our part to get our ballots cast and counted. 

Ready to do one small thing today? Make sure you’re ready for Election Day by taking the first step and registering to vote. Click here to register right now.


I know that it can be stressful to have Election Day looming in the distance. Maybe you’re already feeling burnt out and the votes haven’t even been cast, much less tallied. I hear you. But we can’t let apathy win. 

In the past year, the Stand Up America organizing team has worked to encourage millions of eligible voters to cast their ballots this year. To ask her how she stays motivated, I spoke to one of the folks on our organizing team, Rosemary from Eastampton, NJ, and asked what voting means to her. Here’s what Rosemary had to say: 

How long have you been involved with Stand Up America? What drew you to join?
[I’ve been involved] since earlier in 2020. I wanted to help and still be productive during the pandemic since we can’t really canvass in person. 

Do you remember your first voting experience? What details stick out for you?
It was empowering. I felt like I was making a difference. I’ve voted in every election since then.

What has been your most memorable voting experience so far?
Voting for Barack Obama. I cried in the voting booth. 

What would you say to encourage others in your community to vote?
This is it! It’s your right and lots of people are trying to take it away. Save our democracy and make your voice heard. 

If you’re as excited to cast your ballot as Rosemary is, the best way to face November 3rd is by knowing for sure that you’re signed up and ready to go. Take your first step and register to vote today.

We’ve got this.

Maggie Moore
Senior Digital Strategist, Stand Up America


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