From NJ-11 RACE UPDATE <[email protected]>
Subject EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: Our new TV ad!
Date September 14, 2020 5:06 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

We have BIG news: We're going up with our first TV ad of the general election TOMORROW!

As a dedicated member of Team Mikie, we want to give you an exclusive first look at our new ad before it goes on TV tomorrow. Watch it here, and if you are able, please consider chipping in before the mid-month deadline to help keep it up on the air →

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In recent weeks, we've seen a deluge of attacks against Mikie from our corporate lobbyist opponent, Fox News' Tucker Carlson, and the Washington Republicans who are desperate to unseat Mikie and turn NJ-11 red in their quest for the House Majority.

Here's one of our best lines of defense: sharing Mikie's important work in Congress for New Jersey with voters.

Keeping our new ad on the air is a critical component of our voter outreach strategy -- we're hoping to bring in 500 small-dollar contributions before the mid-month deadline tomorrow, and because you're a proven grassroots supporter, we're directly reaching out to you. If you can, please chip in again today.


Team Mikie

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043
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