September 2020
America is hurting; Our supporters are hurting; 
First, a deadly virus; Now, while we are still fighting Covid, our Western states are fighting deadly fires and there is flooding in the South. We are thinking of each and every one of you going through difficult times.
Howl Yes - Wolves Belong in Colorado
In just a few short weeks, Coloradans will have the power to instruct Colorado Parks and Wildlife to develop and implement a science-based restoration plan for wolves in Colorado.

The National Wolfwatcher Coalition strongly supports the reintroduction of wolves to the public lands of western Colorado. 

We proudly joined 70 other conservation groups in a letter to Colorado's Governor and Department of Natural Resources in support of returning the missing howl.

A yes vote on Proposition 114 will provide the certainty that wolves will need to reclaim Colorado.
Howl for Wolves in Idaho - They Belong

In Idaho, the wolf hunting/trapping season lasts an unbelievable and unsustainable 11-12 months. 

Records obtained from Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) reveal that between January and September 2020, recreational wolf hunters, the IDFG and USDA APHIS Wildlife Services killed 35 wolf pups and juveniles in Idaho, some weighing as little 16 pounds, and likely only four to six weeks old. The new records show that, in total, over 256 Idaho wolves have already been killed in Idaho in 2020 and the season is not over yet.

The records show that one trapped wolf had only three legs with a trap still stuck on one leg. Two wolves had cracked teeth to the bone or shattered teeth trying bite traps. One wolf trapped by Wildlife Services in July died of hyperthermia, and one wolf was found dead in a private trap. A number of wolves were gunned down by Wildlife Services in "Aerial Control Actions."
As if this is not bad enough, IDFG wants to expand how wolves are trapped and killed.   Under the proposal, wolves would be trapped near a big game animal that has died naturally.   IDFG is also proposing to allow wolf baiting (a previous attempt was rejected due to overwhelming negative comments).

Will you Howl for Them?

Send comments by September 23 via email or mail written comments to [email protected] or mailed to Paul Kline, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID, 83707.  Docket No. 13-0116-2002.  State you oppose the placement of traps for furbearers, predatory and unprotected wildlife near a big game animal that has died naturally and you oppose the use of bait to trap these animals.
Wolves provide many ecological benefits by creating a trophic cascade.  They help keep ungulate populations healthy by removing the sick and the ill.  Research suggests wolves may also limit the spread of some diseases such as CWD.
Wolves provide intrinsic benefits.  Many of our supporters may never see  a wolf in the wild but it brings them joy to know there are wolves.
Native Americans share a cultural and spiritual connection to the wolf as they have traveled similar paths.  Each had their land stolen; each is feared and misunderstood;
Native Americans believe that the night is filled with good and
bad dreams. When a dreamcatcher is placed above the bed, and the morning sun can hit, the dreamcatcher attracts and catches all the dreams.  Good dreams pass through and gently slide down the feathers to comfort the sleeper below. Bad dreams, are caught up in its protective net and destroyed, burned up in the light of day.

These shirts, designed by FLOAT, are a tribute to the cultural significance of the wolf to Native Americans and will only be available through Monday, September 21st (11 am EDT)  
Without YOU, our loyal supporters, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition would not exist.  We are appreciative of your support throughout the past years and look forward to your continued support in the future! 

For the latest scientific information, please visit OUR WEBSITE and while there, you can shop at OUR STORE
Our mission:  
We 'educate, advocate, and participate' for the long term recovery and preservation of wolves based on the best available science and the principles of democracy.  We:  
  1. Educate the public about the important role that wolves play in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  2. Inform the public about challenges to wolf recovery
  3. Support measures that promote peaceful coexistence with wolves on the landscape
  4. Educate the public about the issues in all regions and ways it can effectively participate in the democratic process to promote science-based decision-making about wolves.
All donations, no matter the amount, will be appreciated because they will enable us to: 
  • Provide educational programs, materials and events
  • Participate in conferences, seminars, and consultation with other professionals in the fields of wolf biology, research, conservation, eco-tourism and environmental law.
  • Secure a Wolfwatcher Legal Fund to sustain potential engagement in litigation that challenges local, state and/or federal policies that affect wolf preservation.
To DONATE online, please click the link below.

To donate by check or money order,  please send your donation to our business office at: National Wolfwatcher Coalition, PO Box 161281, Duluth, MN   55816-1281

National Wolfwatcher Coalition
[email protected]
National Wolfwatcher Coalition, PO Box 161281, Duluth, MN 55816-1281
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