Dear Friends,
I am asking you to save-the-date and plan on attending the Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence anniversary forum and community check-in on promises made to our children.
One year after 1200 parents, activists and Montgomery County education and government leaders gathered to call attention to inequities in the state’s largest school system and to push for concrete changes, we are bringing the community back together virtually on October 15th at 7 PM. We will take a hard look at what progress has been made against the pledges related to better serving Black and Brown students and students from families with low incomes.
Recognizing that we are in the midst of a pandemic that has exacerbated disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes, our shared commitment to real equity demands that we take stock, celebrate progress where progress is made and hold each other accountable.
As I wrote shortly after the murder of George Floyd, we must answer, “What will WE do together to immediately eliminate institutional barriers to student achievement and create the infrastructure and culture needed to achieve real and lasting improvements that transform student experiences for all youth, especially Black, Brown and low-income students?”
I hope to see you on October 15th as your presence is power.
Thank you,
Diego Uriburu
Executive Director, Identity
Co-founder, Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence
Details will be sent shortly.
We encourage you to share this Save-the-Date.