Your opinion?counts! Help us set our direction for the next three years? ? One in five Nottingham households live in one of the properties we manage. From family homes on?our estates?to one-bed apartments?in high?rise blocks, we work with you and other partners to improve the quality of life for our?residents.?We believe in the value of social housing and in the importance of a suitable, well maintained affordable home as a bedrock from which people can live their lives.? ? Like you, we operate in some of the UK?s most disadvantaged communities ? and we want to know what you think about how we manage our homes and estates across Nottingham.? We are looking at our priorities for the coming years and would welcome your views.? ? What should we continue to do and is there anything we could do differently? Are you aware of specific issues in certain areas that we can work with you to address?? Are there partnership opportunities we can explore to deliver better outcomes??? ? These are challenging times.? It?s never been more important we prioritise?our resources on the things which are most important to our residents, and which will have the biggest positive impact on their lives.? ? Please complete our survey at link below?so that we can use your comments, thoughts and ideas to inform the development of our Corporate Plan 2021-24, which will outline our direction for the next three years.?? ? Survey link:? ? Please?let us know your views?by 30 September?2020?