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Sara Khan, who leads the Commission for Countering Extremism, said "extremists are exploiting both the anti racism agenda and free speech cause, weaponising
them to further their own extremist propaganda."
Experts said the research, which compared beliefs held by British Muslims and white non-Muslims, showed that "Islamist and far-right ideas are resonating
with young people in the UK".
Almost all schools in Northern Ireland are paid for by the state. So why should churches, as of right, have an automatic role in the education of our
children, asks Fionola Meredith.
Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Alex Rowley has urged the Justice Secretary to go back to the drawing board to address fundamental problems with the Scottish
Government's proposed Hate Crime Bill.
Josh Aaron-Mennie is to put proposals to the SNP annual conference next month which could lead to new assisted dying legislation being published in Holyrood
after the election next May.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Frederiksen on Saturday for opposing the bill, according to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.
Police launched a search Friday afternoon for a couple and their baby, after they fled a hospital in northern Israel with their son who had been seriously
injured during his brit milah circumcision ceremony.
The Taliban's political leader reiterated his group's demand for Afghanistan to adopt an "Islamic system" as peace talks with the Afghan government began in
Doha on Saturday.
Iran's census claims that 99.5% of the population are Muslim, a figure that hides the state's active hostility toward irreligiosity, conversion and
unrecognised religious minorities.
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