Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

John -- I am so proud to share that our campaign has been endorsed by Sunrise Movement. 
This group of amazing activists is fighting for a healthy planet and a just, sustainable economy. These ideals are at the heart of my campaign, so this endorsement is truly special to me.  

Centered around a Green New Deal, Sunrise Movement is pushing solutions for climate change, a threat that I take very seriously. 
Please join Sunrise Movement in supporting my campaign. Can you chip in any amount and say you’re with us.

The threat posed by climate change is an immediate problem that can’t be denied. That’s why winning this Senate seat is so critical. 
I am ready to roll up my sleeves and work with Senator Ed Markey, who co-sponsored the Green New Deal framework. It’s time to implement these plans so we can ensure a better future for people everywhere. 
Because the planet won’t wait. We must rise to the occasion and address this emergency together. 
I am so grateful for this key endorsement, let’s get to work.  
Paula Jean 



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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

Paid for by Paula Jean for West Virginia

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