I’m not a betting man, folks, but if I had to put money on it — odds are, Democrats take back the Senate this year.

You see, we need just four seats to flip the Senate majority and we can do it with these four pro-choice Democratic women:

Dr. Barbara Bollier is a dedicated public servant and doctor running against a right-wing extremist in Kansas.

Sara Gideon is up against an incumbent in Maine, who has repeatedly backed Mitch McConnell and his radical agenda.

Theresa Greenfield is a scrappy farm kid (like me!) from Iowa who’s running to unseat an anti-choice Trump apologist.

And MJ Hegar in Texas is a combat veteran whose Republican opponent has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act more than 20 times.

They’re all backed by EMILY’s List, a grassroot-led group helping to elect pro-choice Demoratic women. EMILY’s List is working to raise $125,000 in the next two days to help these four women win their competitive races.

Will you join the fight by splitting a contribution between Barbara, Sara, Theresa, and MJ now to help Democrats take back the Senate this fall? 100% of your contribution will go to these four women.


For too long, Mitch McConnell has stonewalled progress in the Senate. Now, it’s time to take back the majority and get our government working for the people again.

