This is an urgent situation, folks.

National Republicans just released a new memo bragging about their chances of beating us in November. Help our campaign fight back immediately by donating $10 or more now:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Here are the toplines from the GOP’s latest memo:

  • Republicans say they are in “a good spot” to win this election.
  • They claim their disgusting and false attacks on our campaign have hurt John’s favorability numbers with voters.
  • Their biggest take away? “Gardner wins every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”

Look, obviously we can’t trust Washington Republicans to give us the whole truth — but this race is within single digits and may be VERY close in November.

Right-wing groups have already spent $25 million on negative attacks, and there’s more on the way. We have to be ready to fight back and maintain our lead if we want to flip this seat and end McConnell’s Senate majority.

But we’re behind on our goals this month — by a lot. Can you please rush a contribution of any amount to help us fight back and win? Anything you can give before Wednesday makes a difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks in advance for stepping up.

— Team Hick