Did we get your attention?
Deadline to sign up for True Texas Project's evening at the gun range is Monday!!! We have something for everyone and all ages... young, old, beginner, intermediate, advanced. Sign up before it's too late!
Signup link: https://truetexasproject.com/event/sep-17-true-texas-project-range-day/


Fellow Patriots –

Range Day is coming! September 17th from 5-9pm
(Which just happens to be Constitution Day!!!)

Are you a beginner? We have an instructor for you!

Need to sharpen your skills? We have a lesson for you!

Just want to come out and shoot with a bunch of your friends? You can do that, too!

On Thursday, September 17th, Elm Fork Shooting Sports will open their range just for us. Read the details for the two different lessons available below and sign up asap. Limited # of spots!

The Beginner Pistol Lesson will focus on:

- Safe gun handling

- Understanding the controls of the handgun

- The four fundamentals of pistol marksmanship.

Beginner signup link

The Intermediate Pistol Lesson will focus on:

- Analyzing stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger control to ensure shooter is following best practice

- Shooting drills on clearing a malfunction and tactical reloading

- Skills and drills designed to help the shooter place more accurate follow-up shots.

NOTE:  Student must already be confident in the basic use of their weapon (load/unload, safety, etc...) to qualify for this class.

Intermediate signup link

Lessons include instruction, range fee and your target. Cost is $45.00. For planning purposes, and to insure that we have enough instructors on hand for all, we will not be able to accept cancellations or provide refunds.

Just want to join us for shooting? No sign up necessary. Just show up anytime between 5pm and 8pm, pay your range fee ($25), and enjoy the evening with fellow patriots.


What if I don't own a gun?

Elm Fork rents a variety of handguns for $15.00 each. They also sell ammo.

What kind of ear protection do I need?

You can use foam ear plugs (which are available at the range or any sporting goods store, even Walmar).

You may also choose actual ear muffs/headphones that are noise cancelling.  The range has the headphones for sale ($59) but you may also get them on Amazon for $49. Here is a link:


What about eye protection?

If you wear eyeglasses, that will be sufficient. If not, then you may purchase protection at the range (they come with foam ear plugs) or you can purchase something like these (see link below) for about $11.00.


How many students per lesson?

Maximum of 5 shooters per lesson

How long are the lessons?

20 minutes with the instructor and then you may practice for as long as you like (until 9:00pm). Other instructors are onsite and can provide additional tips as you practice.

Can my friends and I be in the same lesson?

Absolutely! Just make sure that you all sign up for the same time slot and it will be guaranteed.

Have more questions? Email Mike Oakley of Shooting with Mike at [email protected]

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