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Minnesota Family Council
Action Alert



Dear John,

After fizzling out last legislative session, assisted suicide is rearing its ugly head once again in Minnesota.

On September 11th, the deceptively named “End of Life Options Act” (HF 2152legalizing assisted suicide in Minnesota, will receive an informational hearing by the Health and Human Services Policy Committee. Although this hearing will not include any legislative action (there won't be a vote) it is still vitally important for legislators to hear from you. They need to know that Minnesotans oppose this deadly legislation!

People come to Minnesota from around the world in search of healing from our world-class healthcare providers. Assisted suicide would undermine our high-quality healthcare here in Minnesota. Our hospitals and clinics, which have built their reputation upon hope and healing, will become known instead as a place where people come seeking drugs to kill themselves.

Minnesotans deserve real care throughout life's journey and our legislators ought to be working towards always providing the best of healthcare not creating a standard of care that simply sends patients home with a vial of pills to end their lives. Click here, or on the button below, to send legislators a message!

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Make your opposition known at the Capitol!

Join members of the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare and supporters of Minnesota Family Council for the hearing on September 11th at 1:00 PM. Come to room 200 in the State Office Building.

Make your opposition to assisted suicide known during the hearing by wearing RED. Medical professionals are encouraged to wear scrubs/doctor coats along with red.

 Click here for information on parking and a map of the Capitol grounds.


For life, family, and religious freedom -

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Minnesota Family Council
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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