From NJ-11 RACE UPDATE <[email protected]>
Subject disgusting
Date September 13, 2020 3:49 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

We told you the attacks would keep ramping up, and now, the GOP outside group Freedomworks is jumping into the fray with a vicious attack against Mikie.

If you can, chip in to fend off the attacks and keep NJ-11 blue →

Freedomworks -- an organization initially founded by the Koch brothers -- included Mikie on a list of Members of Congress they dubbed as the "Dirty 30" and called her "a stain" on our government.

It's ugly, and it's shameful.

While Washington Republicans and outside groups are focused on attacking Mikie in their quest to take back the House Majority, Mikie is focused on what actually matters: the well-being of New Jerseyans and making sure our country can safely get back to work.

Let's raise 300 small-dollar contributions to show Mikie we have her back just like she has ours. If you can, chip in before midnight tonight.


Team Mikie

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