Cary Elwes here! In 1987, I played Westley in The Princess Bride. Today, nearly 33 years later, I’m writing to invite you to a Princess Bride Reunion: Chip in any amount to join The Princess Bride cast for a reading of the script and a Q&A session tonight!
It’s going to be both fun and impactful. Together, we’re going to raise money to ensure that Donald Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House.
I think most people are aware by now that Donald Trump has completely abdicated his duties as President to represent and stand up for all Americans. He has failed to keep the country safe from COVID-19 and as a result he is responsible for the devastating chaos, violence and economic collapse that we are now experiencing.
If America is going to have a real chance at healing, we must get rid of Trump. And that is only possible if we win Wisconsin. Have fun storming the castle and saving your fellow citizens by chipping in to defeat Trump in Wisconsin!
I am thrilled to be part of this very rare reunion of my colleagues from The Princess Bride as a way to increase awareness and garner resources for the state that will determine the fate of America.
If we all chip in, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will have the resources to DumpTrumperdinck!
The event will only be livestreamed once tonight at 6pm CT. Get your link to the event by chipping in here:
We’re looking forward to a great show tonight!
Cary Elwes