Live online workshop with Daniela Bomatter No images? Click here Dear Friend, We live in an extremely complex and seemingly incomprehensible world, and it is becoming more and more demanding to make sense of what is happening. The diversity of opinions and values that we are faced with can seem totally overwhelming, and in this raging storm of information and disinformation we can struggle to preserve our autonomy and rationality. It is a challenge to stand our ground in a sane and healthy way, without distancing ourselves from others and feeling disconnected. In my own journey of sense-making, there are some metaphysical, philosophical and practical approaches that have helped enormously. Andrew Cohen’s Evolutionary Enlightenment teaching, Ken Wilber’s Integral project, and the Spiral Dynamics theory of human development – all these have offered me deep insight into the underlying systems and structures that inform human thought and action. In creating Manifest Nirvana, our ambitious aim has been to synthesise these approaches into a cohesive whole:
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we want to bring all this together in such a way that we can actually show up in the world – as fully integrated, conscious and inspired human beings. Wilber’s Integral theory proposes that the reality we experience can be described, structured or looked at in many different ways. There are different lenses through which we can gaze, and inquire into deeper aspects of reality, and of ourselves. His work describes Quadrants, Levels, Types, Lines, States and Stages. In this workshop we will focus on what Wilber calls the left-hand quadrants – the interiority of the “I” and the “We”. These are the structures of consciousness, as they show up both in ourselves and in culture at large. I want to invite you to embark on an experiential journey through each of these structure stages of consciousness. In this four-hour expedition, we will experience the evolution of consciousness through the eight distinct stages as described in Spiral Dynamics and Integral Theory. This is not a theoretical course, and I will not “teach” the structure stages in the traditional sense. Instead we will aim to connect with and express each of the eight stages in a collective, intersubjective field of exploration and experience. I will guide you through a process that allows each of us to dive into and discover the stages for ourselves, within our own experience. In this way, we can see how they are all still active – and guiding our actions one way or the other, consciously or unconsciously. We can experience them both in their healthy expressions, and in what we could call their “pathological” manifestations. Through taking this journey together, we can understand how the emergence of the next higher stage actually happens, in real time! There is no requirement for you to have an in-depth understanding of Integral Theory or Spiral Dynamics. However, if you have read a little about the conceptual framework so that it is not totally new territory, this would be beneficial. There's a graphic below that gives a helpful overview, and more resources on the event page. I will not take a fee for this workshop. Instead, I am donating my time, and all income will benefit Manifest Nirvana and its ongoing development. I am very much looking forward to taking this journey with you, and if you have any questions I am always available on this email address. Warm regards, The Structure Stages of