We told you it was coming and now it has...Fox News was never going to let Judge Jeanine off the hook with just a slap on the wrist.
The Leftist media Gestapo nearly took her out last time...
...and they learned an important lesson: if there's enough pressure, Fox will cave!
So all they had to do was wait until she said something political incorrect and they'd pounce on her and finally force her out.
And now they're trying to do it! SO WE'RE CIRCLING THE WAGONS!
This attack is none other than George Soros's uber-liberal Media Matters spearheading the effort to take down Judge Jeanine.
Media Matters is going after Jeanine calling her a 'sycophant' and 'sellout':
"Pirro markets herself precisely that way: a brawler who brings the principled, no-nonsense sensibility of a crusading judge to her weekly program. But Pirro has no principles and her only crusade is deifying Trump."
According to the Left: if you defend President Trump, you have no principles, you're just a 'crusading sellout'!
Well, I guess that means we're ALL Trump crusaders!
Remember: This is all part of the radical Left's strategy BOTH to take out conservative networks AND to expand their own control over the media.
And they won't go away quietly!
...which is why they're coming after Judge Jeanine a SECOND TIME...while also targeting Tucker, Laura, Sean and anyone else who stands out.
We can't allow the radical Left to threaten our people without retaliation!
With your critical gift, we're launching a counter-attack on the Left to put them on their heels and force them to fight on their own ground.
Here's what we know about their liberal operation:
1. They are funded by deep socialist money from Soros and his friends
2. They routinely lie about conservatives and conservative networks
3. They refuse to hold the mainstream media accountable
4. They support Democrats exclusively in elections
That's why I need to know if you're onboard with our campaign to keep Judge Jeanine on the air and defeat Media Matters...
Are you in?
Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party Super PAC