Dear John,
I know last several months have been difficult and challenging for so many reasons. But if you’re needing to hear something positive today, I have some really GREAT news.
I am thrilled to announce that the $500,000 goal to launch the Telehealth Care Center in Chicago has been met in FULL. And I cannot say THANK YOU enough! Generous partners like you, are fighting back against the darkness and protecting life.
More than that, you’re helping accelerate the rescue of innocent children from the deadly grip of abortion. More moms facing an unexpected pregnancy will be given the hope and help they need to choose life and equipped to thrive afterward.
So thank you again for accelerating the rescue of children. I thank God that through your support, more than 17,500 babies have been rescued from the horror of abortion since 2010. And many of them are now heading back to school, though it may look different than ever before.
But there’s still an URGENT need regarding the Chicago Telehealth Care Center. If an additional $500,000 can be quickly raised, the new center will be able to rescue almost THREE TIMES as many children. That’s the exponential, life-saving importance of your continued support.
That also means an even brighter light will be shining in the spiritual darkness surrounding the Chicago area. Nearly three times as many moms will be empowered with the help and hope they need to choose life. About three times as many preborn children can be rescued from the deadly grip of abortion.
And that’s why we cannot stop now!
Will you help accelerate the rescue even more TODAY — ensuring as many children as possible are rescued?
Planned Parenthood is pushing remote abortions aggressively and continuing their assault on human life – under the banner of women’s health. And you can bet, especially with mere weeks remaining before this critical presidential election, Planned Parenthood will only grow more brazen in their manipulative and frightening tactics.
Thankfully, a generous family also energized by this expansion into Chicago, has offered an additional $500,000 Challenge Grant to further accelerate the rescue of children. That means your gift still has TWICE the lifesaving impact! Your gift of $100 automatically DOUBLES to $200 of impact to rescue children when paired with the Challenge Grant.
A gift of any amount helps make an exponential life-saving difference today. John: Will you give the amount you feel God is leading you to give today?

In the next few weeks, when you find yourself waiting behind a school bus or see children walking with school bags on their backs, I pray you’ll be reminded of the impact you’re making through your support. Future generations will be alive tomorrow because of your support TODAY.
That’s the legacy you’re leaving with a gift to accelerate the rescue even more through the Chicago Telehealth Care Center. Roughly, THREE TIMES as many moms will be empowered with the help and hope you’re providing – helping them to choose life. And nearly THREE TIMES as many children will be rescued from abortion.
Thanks to you, schoolchildren today have a chance to live and thrive. Please make that possible for many others – whose lives hang in the balance at this very moment – by giving an immediate lifesaving gift to accelerate the rescue even more today.
I hope you’ll pray for these children and their families. And know that we’re also praying for you. Thank you for replying quickly and for standing with us in the fight for life!
Until abortion ends,
Brian Fisher
P.S. Please give today to ensure that your gift DOUBLES in lifesaving impact and helps rescue as many children as possible from abortion!