PFAW Member, The Trump administration has been defined by one scandal after another that would have SUNK any previous presidency and forced any other president to resign in disgrace – any ONE of them! In just the past WEEK, news broke that Trump has regularly denigrated servicemembers and veterans, including those who have lost their lives and limbs in battle, characterizing them as “suckers” and “losers”… Then, within days, that news was eclipsed by recordings released by journalist Bob Woodward in which Trump admits his efforts to downplay the threat of the coronavirus with lies – recordings that show he knew how deadly the disease was while he was still encouraging his own supporters to attend his large indoor rallies and shun wearing facemasks… And in another few days, some new outrageous revelation, that further exposes Trump for the foul and corrupt conman he is, will likely dominate the headlines and make people forget about the Woodward tapes. And all the while Trump still remains highly competitive in the presidential race and the race is even tightening! There is no doubt, Trump’s resilience can be maddening, but the fact remains that a president who lies like Trump does, breaks the law like Trump does, destroys norms like Trump does, and lacks any shred of human decency is vulnerable and can be defeated, so we need to stay laser-focused in these next 7 weeks until Election Day and keep ALL of our election programs going full throttle. To do that, we need the sustained support of our best members like you. Can you chip in $3 a week – or $10, or $25, or whatever you can afford – to carry us through to victory and end the Trump presidency? PFAW will bill your weekly donation once a month through the election and then we’ll contact you to ask if you’d like to change or cancel you’re recurring gift. Yes! Sign me up and LET’S GO!>> No, I can’t commit to a weekly pledge right now>> Experts say that there is no path to victory for Democrats without the Latino vote, yet that is the one major part of the Democratic coalition that Joe Biden is struggling with – especially in key states like Florida! PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program has NEVER been more important and will be essential to clinching victory in some of the tightest battleground states. (And this year, our program is bigger than ever, with ad buys totaling seven figures and already underway in some of the most crucial states.) In addition, PFAW is mobilizing young voters by supporting exciting and diverse candidates under 40 for state and local office – candidates who look like the young voters we need to turn out, and who those voters can relate to, because they have shared experiences and come from their communities. This creates a “reverse coattails” effect that is the key to countering any lack of excitement there might be among young voters for the older, and in many cases more “establishment,” candidates at the top of the ticket in their states. We’re engaging our members to text message and phone bank key voters in battleground states … we’re working with partners to help those key voters secure and complete their absentee and mail-in ballots early, make sure voters are taking advantage of early and safe in-person voting options in their states, and engage in “vote tripling” relational voter contacts … We’ve engaged some of the country’s top artists for our Enough of Trump campaign and are using art in groundbreaking ways to mobilize voters in the most important presidential battleground states – think Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. And we’re also working with bands, celebrities, and other cultural influencers to reach voters with targeted messages. We’re truly leaving no stone unturned. PFAW is the most powerful multi-generational, multi-racial, intersectional progressive fighting force in the movement, and it’s because of our members. Our programs will make THE difference in this election if we can keep them fully funded … but our shared success really does depend on your support So I’m asking, will you chip in $3 or more a week election to make sure this work continues and we defeat Trump and Trump Republicans? PFAW will bill your weekly donation once a month through the election and then we’ll contact you to ask if you’d like to change or cancel you’re recurring gift. Yes, I’m ready to chip in weekly>> No, I cannot make a small weekly pledge at this time>> Thank you, so much, for everything you do. Together, we’ll save our democracy. -- Ben Jealous, President P.S. PFAW is also working with a massive coalition of organizations and activists, and on other more targeted efforts, to stop Trump from stealing the election by declaring victory before all the votes are counted and/or trying to stop ballots from being counted. This election is like nothing we’ve ever seen. With the possibility that record mail-in and absentee voting will mean the results won't be determined on Election Night, we need to be prepared to hold the line and make sure every vote is counted. Please give weekly to defeat Trump and defend democracy>>