PFAW Member, Trump and Senate Republicans are attacking our right to vote by mail in a blatant effort to disenfranchise everyday Americans in the middle of a global pandemic. After they returned from their most recent recess, Senate Republicans were unable to put forward a proposal that would meet the needs of millions of people struggling across the country or provide much needed funding to secure our elections, expand vote by mail, and provide support to the USPS. Rather than take up the House bill that was passed in MAY, Mitch McConnell’s attempt to provide a watered-down relief bill failed to pass the Senate – a sign of just how inadequate the Republican proposal was at providing real relief. TELL THE SENATE that they need to protect our vote and pass comprehensive coronavirus relief now! >> Republican legislators in states like Oklahoma and Texas are refusing to make absentee voting more accessible. Their restrictions could pose insurmountable barriers for voters – especially Black voters and other voters of color. And Trump – who cast a mail-in ballot in this year’s primary – has tried to undermine vote-by-mail in every way he can. He has spread widely debunked lies about the reform... threatened state officials who promote vote-by-mail... and even targeted the Postal Service, as his hand-picked postmaster general Louis DeJoy tries to slow down mail delivery. Their machinations against USPS have already had dire consequences for people across the country who are seeing severe mail slowdowns in the delivery of vital packages such as medications and bills. All of this while Trump’s campaign actively encourages his supporters to vote by mail – the double standard is appalling! Let’s be clear: All eligible voters should have the right to cast their ballot by mail. Mail-in voting is a paper-based system that is safe and accessible. It can easily be audited to ensure election results are correct – and it has already been tested and proven secure in states across the country. It is VITAL that the Senate invest the $3.6 billion in elections systems nationwide – and the $25 billion for the Postal Service – that experts say we’ll need to hold safe and secure elections this fall. In solidarity, – Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate