We Need Your Help: 25 Million Christians

It’s estimated that over 25 million Christians didn’t vote in the last presidential election in 2016. Even more troubling is the latest data showing that atheists are the most politically active “religious” group in America.
This means that while believers sit on the sidelines, the groups selecting the country’s political leaders are those who would be all too happy to throw religious freedom rights in the wastebasket, take the lives of more babies in the womb, and bring further harm to families. It’s no wonder some leaders pass laws that directly contradict God’s Word.
Believe us—we know politics can be messy. Our calling every day is to engage with government in a manner worthy of the Gospel. But we also know that our system of government is another mission field in which the Body of Christ must engage.
Not every believer may be called to serve in this mission field as an elected leader. But every believer is called to engage. If we truly believe that biblical values bring about good for everyone—both believers and nonbelievers—then how can we not cast a vote for leaders who will best advance these values and pass laws that do the most good to protect religious freedom, life, and families?
That’s why it’s critical that we reach those 25 million Christians.
At Family Policy Alliance, we’ve set aside 2 Sundays where you can help us do that. We are asking you (and other individual believers) to help us get Christians who aren’t registered to vote registered, and to help register as many Christians as possible in churches during two Voter Registration Sundays!
We know of many cases where half the church members or more are not registered in a given church! Will you help us reach those 25 million?
Join us on one or both Voter Registration Sundays:
Sunday, September 20th
If you live in AK, MT, RI, SC, or UT, you will need to participate in September to meet your state’s voter registration deadline. We also strongly encourage you to consider this option if you the following states, because these states require registrations to be postmarked immediately after the October date: AR, AZ, FL, GA, HI, IL*, IN, KY, LA, MS, NM*, NV*, OH, TN, TX (*state deadline falls on 10/6. All other listed states’ deadlines are 10/5. For both cases, we encourage you to choose September or to postmark/urge congregants to postmark registrations immediately on 10/5 should you choose the October option)
Sunday, October 4th
How can you participate? It’s easy:
- Visit our voter registration webpage to make sure you’re registered to vote, and share the link with friends and family!
- Download this short, accessible guide to hosting a voter registration at your church and be sure to share with your church leadership so your church can participate! The guide also includes printable postcards and posters with a QR code that individuals can scan to start the voter registration process!
- Join our Facebook event, and send an invite to your pastor, church members, and pastors/believers at other churches so they can join too! The page features all the must-know information, including the guide and a direct link to register to vote!
- Host your registration! Full details in our guide.
Not sure about starting a registration at your church? Whether you’re wondering about it yourself, or not sure how to talk to your pastor, we encourage you to watch and share this video on social media and especially with your church leadership and other church members:

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s be faithful to God’s call – by voting!
For citizenship worthy of the Gospel,
  Autumn Leva Vice President, Strategy
  Meridian Baldacci Policy and Communications Strategist