Add your name immediately to protect the investigations into Trump>> PFAW Member, As Congress prepares to return to Washington from the August recess, investigations into the Trump administration are ramping up. Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has requested that four House panels investigating Trump share documents and other information they have gathered with his committee -- to help in determining whether to file articles of impeachment against the president.1 We know that we can't expect Republicans in Congress to stand up to President Trump. They continue to deflect criticism of the administration and obstruct attempts to pass legislation that would strengthen the integrity and security of our elections - inviting yet more attempts by foreign governments like Russia and China to meddle in our democratic process. Even while ALL of our national intellligence agencies, Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee have concluded that Russia actively interfered during the 2016 election and have every intention of continuing to do so moving forward, Republicans REFUSE to act to secure our elections. Thankfully, Democrats in Congress are moving forward -- passing legislation in the House that would eliminate vulnerabilities in our elections and pursuing additional investigations into the Trump administration to help determine the extent of the Trump campaign's involvement. House committee subpoena's have been issued for a host of current and former Trump administration officials (and people related to his campaign), including: former White House aide Rob Porter, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Stormy Daniels, former White House counsel Don McGahn, and former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn. Other subpoenas have been issued to obtain Trump's tax returns and other financial documents. Nobody is above the law. Thank you, - Zach VanHouten, PFAW
[1] "Nadler asks House committees probing Trump to share docs for its impeachment investigation" POLITICO, 8/22/19