Weekend Edition, September 12-13, 2020

Hospitals May Be Slow To Add Vitamin D To Covid-19 Treatment Regimens Because of Loss of Income

Bill Sardi

Calling Chomsky Out: The Riots Are a Full-Fledged Attack by the Hard Left To Topple American Society

Vasko Kohlmayer

Delusions and Tyranny in the Time of Covid

David Stockman

The Summer of Love Crime

Tim Hartnett

The West Coast Burns, And Leftists Blame Climate Change. But They’re Wrong

Andrea Widburg

The Dirty Dozen Tests of Global Warming Science

Geoffrey H. Sherrington

Covid and Hollywood in the Carnival Called Reality

Jon Rappoport

The Most Shamefully Dishonest Campaign in Political History

Scott McKay

From 9/11 to the Great Reset

Pepe Escobar

The Selfie, the Defining Cultural Artifact of Our Time

Theodore Dalrymple

America’s 1984: Welcome to the Hate

Caroline Breashears

This Is How It Ends: All That Is Solid Melts into Air

Charles Hugh Smith

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