This Sunday is Grandparents Day! And with just over 50 days left until election day, this is a perfect time to think about one really important way to be in solidarity with the grandparents and seniors in our lives.
That’s why I’m a #CareVoter.
When I vote, I don’t just vote for my own needs. I vote for my community, my family — biological and chosen, the generations that came before and those just starting out — and for everyone I hold dear.
Are you a #CareVoter? Sign the #CareVoter Pledge to make a commitment to vote, and to help other family caregivers cast their ballots in November!
Sign the #CareVoter Pledge today and tell us who you’ll be thinking of when you vote.
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Because of the pandemic, Grandparents Day is going to be a little bit different this year. Throughout this pandemic, my very loving and engaged parents have been providing childcare for my sister and her husband 2-3 days a week so they can work remotely. But my sister's family and my parents recently broke their “pandemic pod” because the kids are going back to school and it no longer felt safe for everyone. This Grandparents Day will be unusually quiet with no "Guess the Superhero" games or Greek myths. But one thing hasn’t changed — Grandparents Day is a great day to take action for a more caring world.
One of the best ways to do that is to commit to vote and to help other caregivers, including grandparents, get to the polls in November.
Our own research shows 66% of the US population is a current or former caregiver. And of that 1 in 5 said their caregiving responsibilities interfere with their civic engagement, including voting. That’s a lot of potential voters!
Caregivers struggle to get to the polls because of caregiving responsibilities — getting parents and grandparents to doctors appointments, caring for young children, and supporting siblings with disabilities to name a few ways — these are all compounded by structural issues and regressive laws that particularly affect Black and Brown voters.
You can help ensure that their voices are heard. Be a #CareVoter and help ensure family caregivers are able to vote in November!
Sign the pledge today.
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With care,
Susannah Dyen
Organizing and Field Director
Caring Across Generations
Caring Across Generations
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