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Common Dreams

News & Views | 9/11/20


by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"An affront of the very notion that Americans have a right to vote."


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was interviewed Friday by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. (Photo: MSNBC)

by Jessica Corbett, staff writer
The public health expert also addressed the need to reduce cases headed into fall, halted vaccine trials, and reported attempts to "muzzle" him.

by Julia Conley, staff writer
Progressive candidates from all over the state of Rhode Island celebrated victories Friday after 38,000 mail-in ballots were tallied in this week's primary elections, in which more than a dozen centrist Democratic incumbents were rejected by voters. 

A gray wolf pup emerges from a den. (Photo: Hilary Cooley/USFWS)

by Jessica Corbett, staff writer
Wildlife advocates warn that if a Trump administration effort to lift nationwide protections proceeds, "this cruelty could extend to all wolves within our country's borders."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"Instead of more austerity for the working class of this country, we need to impose austerity on the billionaire class and on Wall Street."

There was a dramatic increase in hate crimes targeting Muslims after 9/11. (Photo: David McNew/Getty Images)

by Brett Wilkins, staff writer
Anti-Muslim hate crimes soared after 9/11, and thousands of Muslims in the U.S. were detained—and some tortured—in George W. Bush's futile anti-terror dragnet.

A damaged car sits in a mobile home park destroyed by fire on September 10, 2020 in Phoenix, Oregon. Hundreds of homes in the town have been lost due to wildfire. (Photo: David Ryder/Getty Images)

by Jessica Corbett, staff writer
"People are dying and losing their homes and jobs. But politicians in D.C. are sitting on their hands, and the president of the United States is telling people that the solution is to clean up their yards."

An Israeli bulldozer demolishes a Palestinian home in the illegally-occupied West Bank village of Khirbet Jinba on September 2, 2020. (Photo: Hazem Bader/AFP/Getty Images)

by Brett Wilkins, staff writer
Dozens of Palestinians were recently displaced because Israeli authorities destroyed their homes, even as Covid-19 cases increased by a third.

New Yorkers in need line up to receive free produce during a Pop-Up Food pantry event hosted by Food Bank For New York City at Barclays Center on September 10, 2020 in New York City. (Photo: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for Food Bank For New York City)

by Kenny Stancil, staff writer
"There is nothing for the people we surveyed who earn under $100,000 a year to fall back on."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"The lives of everyone in these photos—and of everyone they come into contact with in the next few weeks—are now at risk. But Donald Trump doesn't care, so long as his ego is fed."

A bird bath is seen in front of the charred remains of a home after the passage of the Santiam Fire in Gates, Oregon, on September 10, 2020.

by Andrea Germanos, staff writer
"I wish the 2020 wildfires were an anomaly—but this will not be a one-time event."

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"To go from mere­ly ​'bet­ter than the Repub­li­cans' to ​'suf­fi­cient to save the plan­et,' the [Democratic] par­ty needs to shift its think­ing in sev­er­al areas," writes Sen, "Key among these are end­ing fos­sil fuel pro­duc­tion, tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for U.S. emis­sions inter­na­tion­al­ly, and humane­ly wel­com­ing refugees impact­ed by cli­mate change." (Photo: michael_swan/flickr/cc)

by Basav Sen
How to get the Democrats’ climate policy from “better than the Republicans” to “sufficient to save the planet.”

"The federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., has just slammed the Guantánamo gate shut," writes Greenhouse. (Photo: Alex Brandon/AP)

by Linda Greenhouse
Does the public care about the 40 remaining inmates with no obvious end to their imprisonment?

Federal officers walk through tear gas during a dispersal of about 300 protesters in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention building on August 26, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. Protests continued for the 91st night in Portland as activist called for solidarity with rallies in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Photo: Nathan Howard/Getty Images)

by Kat DesCamp-Renner
What happened in Portland is an American foreign policy tactic, this time directed against American citizens.

"Food insecurity has long been a problem for too many people, but extraordinarily high levels of need in the last several months have more than erased recent years’ slow, post-Great Recession gains," writes Keith-Jennings. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

by Brynne Keith-Jennings
Millions of Americans are still not getting enough to eat. Policymakers must address this problem by providing more assistance.

A demonstrator holds a sign during a protest to demand justice for Daniel Prude, on September 3, 2020 in New York City. (Photo: Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images)

by Jennifer Sarrett
Individuals facing mental health challenges deserve better treatment from police—and the rest of society.

"Trump is entirely untethered from the truth. He will say whatever it takes to win," writes Feffer.  (Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images)

by John Feffer
Trump does not like to lose. He will try these various strategies to overcome his profound unpopularity to win re-election.

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