The NRH Centre gave us an unexpected mask mandate for Monday's meeting. We weren't ok with that, so we scrambled to find a new venue. The Tarrant County meeting will now be held at First Baptist Church of Grapevine in the sanctuary. Please enter through the large glass doors that face Main St. Spread the word!!!!
Our September meeting kicks off our 3-part
series titled, “Prepping For The Next Session”, and we’ve got a great
line up for you! We’re bringing in experts on a variety of hot topics
near and dear to the hearts of every conservative activist, so make sure
you don’t miss a single one! This month we have the following on tap…
Jill Glover and Kevin Whitt (adolescent gender modification)
John Seago with Texas Right to Life
Chandler Crouch on property taxes
Daniel Greer and Christine Wellborn of Direct Action Texas
Krista McIntire of Family Rights Advocacy Organization
Jackie Schlegal of Texans For Vaccine Choice
Monday, September 14
First Baptist Church of Grapevine
301 E. Texas Street – enter through glass foyer doors that face Main St
meeting is in the sanctuary
5:30pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
Need childcare? It’s free. Sign up 48 hours in advance by emailing [email protected]
At our September Meetings – we’ll also be doing a School
Supply Drive to benefit the families of Safe Haven in Fort Worth.
Please bring your donations to the Sept Meeting, and donations will
taken to Safe Haven the week of September 21. See the “news” section of
the website for more details.
Speaker bios:
Crouch is the founder and principal broker of Chandler Crouch Realtors.
He is a native Texan and has lived in Dallas – Fort Worth for most of
his life. He started his career in real estate focusing on buying and
remodeling houses, then transitioned exclusively to helping others buy
and sell real estate. With 17 years experience, he now manages a
brokerage which has been recognized in the Wall Street Journal in their
list of “Top 200 Agents in America.”
Texas Right to Life legally, peacefully and prayerfully protects the
God-given Right to Life of innocent human beings from fertilization to
natural death.
Family Rights Advocacy: Our mission is to empower parents to advocate for themselves against unwarranted government intrusion and intervention.
Krista Mcintire is the Founder and Director of Family Rights
Advocacy- An organization created to help families maintain and
protect their rights while undergoing a Child Protective Services
She began advocating for families in 2015 and since then have
personally helped hundreds of families in their difficult, sometimes
terrifying journeys through the CPS investigation process.
Texans for Vaccine Choice promotes the preservation of personal
liberties and informed consent by opposing measures to limit vaccine
choice rights or discriminate against those who exercise such rights.