Dear John, Today marks 19 years since tragic terrorist attacks devastated our nation. To many of us, those attacks feel as if they happened yesterday. Among the nearly three thousand

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

Today marks 19 years since tragic terrorist attacks devastated our nation. To many of us, those attacks feel as if they happened yesterday.

Among the nearly three thousand people who were killed in New York, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania, we lost Delawareans. We mourn the lives of those who died as a result of those horrific events every day.

In the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks, first responders rushed to Ground Zero to save as many lives as they could. Thousands of these rescue workers have now died as a result of the toxins they were exposed to. We will never forget them.

In the weeks that followed, people from across the country felt a deep call to service and joined the U.S. military. Many were deployed abroad and made the ultimate sacrifice. We will always honor their memories.

Today, on the 19th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we pause to remember and reflect on those we lost, those who ran towards the scene to help others, those called into service afterward. We pause to mourn and to support those who made it through the attacks but were forever changed. We recommit ourselves to serve our communities and our country in ways that honor their legacies.

Thank you,


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