Inside this issue• Bishops Announce Program to Combat Racism• Bishops Opposing Props 14 and 20• Pope: Common Good Must Motivate Search for Vaccine• Support Fire Victim Relief Efforts• Take Action Now
 Inside this issue

  Bishops Announce Program to Combat Racism  

Statewide, Year-Long Effort Begins with Listening Session with African American Catholic Community to Examine the Impact of Racism

On Wednesday, the feast of St. Peter Claver, the Roman Catholic Bishops of California met with African American Catholic leaders to begin a journey aimed at converting hearts to more fully understand the extent and nature of the sin of racism in ourselves, our Church, and our nation.
"We must bring about a change of heart and cultivate new habits of the heart that will transform our communities with the wisdom and mercy of Jesus," the Bishops wrote in a press release.
This journey is intended to offer tangible change, in which the Bishops, together with the clergy, religious and faithful of California participate.  The initiative includes listening, dialogue and action, rolling out over the course of a year.
"The listening and dialogue sessions will lead to further steps for continuing education, preaching and evangelization, measures to combat structural racism and reform society and our Church.  We must bring about a change of heart and cultivate new habits of the heart that will transform our communities with the wisdom and mercy of Jesus."
Click here for more.  


  Bishops Opposing Props 14 and 20  

The California Catholic Conference of Bishops are strongly opposing Prop 14 and Prop 20 in this year's election.
Prop. 14 supports the research on discarded human embryos from in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments among other projects. The measure would provide an additional $5.5 billion dollars for the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which supports the human embryo research.
Proposition 20 threatens to reverse decades of progress in California's correctional system, amending initiatives that were previously passed to help people to return safely and productively to the community while simultaneously expanding services to help crime victims heal and recover.
For summaries of these propositions and the others, visit the CCC Elections page.


  Pope: Common Good Must Motivate Search for Vaccine  

The common good -- and not political or economic gain -- should be at the heart of the race to find a vaccine for COVID-19, Pope Francis said.
During his weekly general audience Sept. 9, the pope said that "we see partisan interests emerging" in the search for a vaccine, and some people "are taking advantage of the situation to instigate divisions: by seeking economic or political advantages, generating or exacerbating conflicts."
The general audience was in the San Damaso courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, a small space with seats for about 500 people. While attendees were required to wear masks, they bunched up at the railings to try to get closer to Pope Francis, prompting him to urge them to return to their seats and stay a safe distance from one another.
"Others simply are not interesting themselves in the suffering of others; they pass by and go their own way. They are devotees of Pontius Pilate: they wash their hands," he said.
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  Support Fire Victim Relief Efforts  

Resources are running scarce as three of the four largest wildfires in California's history are currently burning, displacing tens of thousands of people and causing loss of life and property.
Catholic Charities continue to provide relief assistance to those suffering the devastating effects of the fires, which is made even more challenging by COVID-19.
Click here for a list of California Catholic Charities in the communities impacted by the wildfires.


  Take Action Now  

The California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) is a fantastic tool that has been used to lift communities across California out of poverty.  In June, Governor Newsom signed AB 93, a budget bill that expanded EITC and the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) eligibility to ITIN filers with at least one child under the age of six.  AB 1876 would now remove the one child under six limitation. This will open up eligibility for the EITC and YCTC to all ITIN filers, helping them to work their way out of poverty. 
Click here to Take Action Now.


  Census Makes Final Push to Ensure ALL Are Counted  

As the Census deadlines draw near, take note of the various ways and deadlines coming up to ensure you are counted.
Households in tracts with a response rate of less than 65% will receive a paper questionnaire in the mail between from August 22 until September 15. For more information, CLICK HERE
Online and Phone
The Census Bureau strongly encourages households that have not yet responded to the census to complete their questionnaire by September 30th online at or by phone. 

Even if households receive the paper questionnaire, they still have the option to respond online or over the phone.  The deadline is September 30.  CLICK HERE for more information.
Census takers will continue to follow up in-person with homes across the country through September 30 in an effort to reach everyone.  
How To Identify A Census Taker
Trained census staff will be at open, public places with high foot traffic in the lowest-responding areas to assist with the census. This mobile program provides a convenient way for the public to get information about the 2020 Census and to respond on site. 


  Remembering 9/11  
  On this anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, please pray for peace in the world and the repose of the soul of all those who have lost their lives in violent confrontations over the years.  May they Rest in Peace.  


September 11, 2020
Vol. 13 No. 32

California Catholic Conference

 En Español

"The common good requires everyone's participation. If everyone contributes his or her part, and if no one is left out, we can regenerate good relationships on the communitarian, national and international level and even in harmony with the environment." @Pontifex





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