AEE WEEKLY: NJ Advanced Energy Jobs; Leaving Market is No Easy Answer; Webinar – Everything You Need to Know About RTOs
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More New Jersey Workers in Advanced Energy Than in Hotels, Motels, and Casinos, Triple Those at Colleges and Universities

Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 7.28.38 AMAEE reported the latest employment data in a new fact sheet showing that New Jersey had 62,100 people working in advanced energy in 2019. This represents more workers than those in Hotels, Motels & Casinos (53,740) and triple those in Colleges & Universities (20,012). Nationwide, there were 3.6 million advanced energy workers. Advanced energy employment in New Jersey saw strong 4% growth last year, soundly beating the state’s overall job growth of 0.7%. Also, employers expected 5% increase in advanced energy jobs for 2020 when surveyed late last year. The largest jobs segment in 2019 was Energy Efficiency, with 38,000 workers, which also grew at a 5% rate. “With 62,000 advanced energy workers in New Jersey, advanced energy is now an established segment of the state’s workforce and economy,” said J.R. Tolbert, Managing Director at AEE

Continue reading the press release or download the New Jersey Jobs Fact Sheet by clicking below. >

Download the New Jersey Jobs Fact Sheet

On the Blog

Leaving Markets is No Easy Answer to FERC Orders that Undercut State Clean Energy Commitments

FRR Question-745Frustrated by recent decisions from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and dismayed to see their policy objectives undermined by wholesale market rules, a growing number of states are considering taking matters into their own hands. Specifically, in response to FERC’s rulings disadvantaging resources that benefit from state clean energy policies, some states in PJM Interconnection and ISO New England, along with New York, are considering alternatives to centralized capacity markets – including leaving these markets altogether. An AEE background paper released last week cautions that leaving an independently operated capacity market is no quick fix for the curve balls FERC has thrown at states. Rather, leaving centralized capacity markets is a fraught choice that should be pursued only if all other potential pathways have been thoroughly exhausted. Make no mistake – the current FERC majority is attempting to undermine clean energy and state choices. Even in the face of that threat, though, states would be better off working with RTOs/ISOs and other stakeholders to identify reforms to energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets to align them with state clean energy policies, rather than undermine them. Continue reading on the blog here. >

AEE in the news

Top 10 Utility Regulation Trends of 2020 — So Far

GTM PROMO IMAGEGreentech Media published a summary of AEE's Top 10 Utility Regulation Trends of 2020 Blog Post: "In December, we published a list of the top 10 utility regulation trends of 2019With 2020 now past the halfway point, we check in on the top public utility commission (PUC) actions and trends so far this year. For the first time, we are including in our top 10 list a key trend in federal regulation of wholesale electricity markets, as it goes to the question of who is in charge of energy policy in a changing electricity landscape. Below is an executive summary of the complete roundup, which has specific examples of state PUC action." Continue reading on Greentech Media. >


AEE Webinars

Everything You Wanted To Know About RTOs But Never Could – Until Now 

Live on Tuesday, September 29th at 2p ET / 11a PT

Rto launch chart with title

Market rules that determine whether and how advanced energy technologies can participate in wholesale electricity markets are largely set by regional grid operators – Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators (RTOs/ISOs). There are seven of them – CAISO, ERCOT, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM & SPP – and each one has its own set of committees, subcommittees, task forces, etc., to come up with these rules, which have major implications for business opportunities in areas like energy storage, renewable energy, demand response, and more. How can advanced energy companies and others who care about advanced energy growth make sense of, keep track of, and have impact on what’s happening at the RTOs? In this webinar, hear how AEE and its member companies are navigating the arcane world of RTOs and learn how you can follow the action at all seven RTOs – with AEE’s PowerSuite platform.  

  • Jeff Dennis, Managing Director and General Counsel, AEE Policy (moderator)
  • Eric Fitz, General Manager, AEE PowerSuite
  • Suzanne Bertin, Managing Director, Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance 
  • Betty Watson, Senior Director of Policy and Market Design, Modern Energy

Tune in to learn all about how RTOs/ISOs can affect your business!

Register for the Webinar

Featured online events

KEEA/EEA Industry Forum

rsz_ifee_social_graphicThe KEEA/EEA Industry Forum has been re-launched as a virtual event series held from Thurs., Sep. 10 through Fri., Oct. 2nd! Over nine informative virtual events, presenters will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by three energy-intensive industries: Healthcare, Food Services, and Higher Education. This comprehensive look at these critical industries will bring best practices for energy savings and sustainability to the fore. Tickets also grant access to weekly themed happy hours, an attendees-only resource library, and a kickoff plenary from PECO! Check out the agenda and Register Here.

National Energy Efficiency Day, Weds., October 7, 2020

EEDay_2020Join AEE and a growing network of companies, government agencies, utilities, and universities among other advocates to showcase the many benefits of energy efficiency as part of the 5th annual Energy Efficiency Day. The message of Energy Efficiency Day is simple: Save Money. Cut Pollution. Create Jobs.” Primarily a social media event using the #EEDay2020 hashtag, we are engaging media, encouraging agencies to issue proclamations, and getting everyone on board. Sign up as a supporter to have your organization's name displayed, tap campaign materials and share your EE tips, project successes and news. It's free, just like saving energy!