Population Connection's latest magazine issues is live!
Expert Voices Address Population Challenges at Home
While many Americans are wary of supporting population stabilization due to historical connections between population policies and eugenics, population concerns are very real to those currently living in high-fertility countries. This issue highlights influential experts contending with the urgent need to stabilize population in their home countries, so that they can effectively tackle the economic, educational, and public health challenges they face.
One of the lead articles, authored by Kenyan professor at Drexel University Alex Ezeh, discusses how empowering Africa's women is key to slowing population growth on the continent. In another article, Senegalese Pape Gaye, the head of IntraHealth International, explains how family planning and slower population growth have a positive impact on almost all of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Leticia Adelaide Appiah, pictured on the cover of this issue (see image above), is profiled for her work in slowing Ghana's birth rate.

Other features from this issue:
#Fight4HER Persists Online!
This summer, we launched a completely online version of our annual Summer of HER program, designed to train activists on crucial advocacy and activist skills to build power for reproductive health and rights around the world.
World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest Winners Announced!
Eighteen talented middle and high school students have taken a top spot in the 2019-2020 World of 7 Billion student video contest for their videos about the effects of human population growth on climate resiliency, economic opportunities, and water systems.
Countdown to November Begins
With coronavirus cases continuing to surge nationwide, a faltering economy, and an election on the horizon, there are a great many demands on legislators’ time and attention as we count down to the November election.
Click here to read the entire issue online.
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