It is our responsibility to stop and remember those lost 19 years ago today.
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Pam Iovino for State Senate


We all remember where we were 19 years ago, on September 11, 2001.

One moment, we were going about our lives on a typical Tuesday morning, and in the next, we heard the news that planes had hit the Twin Towers, and then the Pentagon, and finally, United 93 went down in Pennsylvania; and life was changed forever.

September 11, 2001 -- an attack on American soil -- changed everything. So, we stop today and take the time to remember the 2,977 innocents lost that day.

We will never forget.

-Pam Iovino





Paid for by Friends of Pam Iovino

Friends of Pam Iovino
PO Box 14532
Pittsburgh PA 15234 United States

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