We’re in a battle for basic representation – at the ballot, in Congress and in funding vital local services.
But you’re not enough. We need everyone to be counted. Everyone. So we need your help to spread the word. Download and print this sign and hang it in your window so that your friends and neighbors know to do the same.
The U.S. Census is so important because it determines how much federal funding our communities receive. This means funding for our children’s schools, community health centers, and small businesses. It also determines how much representation we have in Congress. We must count every person.
This is exactly why the Trump Administration has been trying to rig the Census count in Massachusetts and across the nation for years – so that our communities lose out on representation and the critical funding we need. And it’s why my office and my fellow Attorneys General have been locked in legal battles defending your right to an accurate Census count.
Now, Trump is trying to end the Census early so you would only have until September 30th to complete it. It’s up to all of us to complete our Census form on time and make sure our friends, family and neighbors do too.
Here’s what I need you to do – go to today and fill out your Census form. Then, print out this sign and display it in your window to influence your friends and neighbors to do the same.
As your Attorney General, I won’t stop defending your right to an accurate Census count. But we all need to do our part to make sure we have the appropriate funding and representation that we deserve. Can I count on you?
Thanks for all you do,
The Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15
Boston MA 02137 United States