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The Bishop of Oxford has apologised for "shortcomings" identified by an independent review of his diocese's handling of a case of clerical abuse. These failings "contributed to the distress of the survivors", he said.
World Health Organisation-recommended campaigns to circumcise millions of African boys and men to reduce HIV transmission are based more on systemic racism and 'neocolonialism' than sound scientific research, according to a critical appraisal.
This week the Manchester Arena inquiry heard that the bomber was seen "praying" before his attack which claimed 22 innocent lives. Reporting of this detail caused a stir on social media, and some headlines were changed as a result.
William Gladstone Church of England Primary Academy has changed its name to The King's Church of England Primary Academy. The school said it belonged to Christ the King.
A Church of Ireland cleric says he should be given the choice to officiate marriages for same-sex couples, saying he believes the Church's current stance is "homophobic".
President Donald Trump made what appeared to be a targeted appeal to his conservative religious base on Wednesday afternoon, announcing a slate of potential Supreme Court candidates who he suggested would protect religious liberty, oppose abortion and keep "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.
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