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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 11 September


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


EU court adviser backs ritual animal slaughter without stunning

EU judges should strike down a Belgian law requiring all animals be stunned prior to their death, an EU court adviser said on Thursday.



Bishop of Oxford admits failings in clerical abuse case

The Bishop of Oxford has apologised for "shortcomings" identified by an independent review of his diocese's handling of a case of clerical abuse. These failings "contributed to the distress of the survivors", he said.

Church Times


Tories vow to continue fighting Hate Crime Bill over free speech concerns

The Tories have vowed to "consider all avenues going forward" in their bid to scrap the Scottish Government's Hate Crime Bill.

The National


Male circumcision campaigns in Africa are a form of cultural imperialism, say researchers

World Health Organisation-recommended campaigns to circumcise millions of African boys and men to reduce HIV transmission are based more on systemic racism and 'neocolonialism' than sound scientific research, according to a critical appraisal.



'Why is the Manchester bomber's praying not relevant?'

This week the Manchester Arena inquiry heard that the bomber was seen "praying" before his attack which claimed 22 innocent lives. Reporting of this detail caused a stir on social media, and some headlines were changed as a result.

The Post


'"Conversion therapy" is nothing more than torture'

The sheer notion that being gay is some form of curable pathology is absurd, says Alicia Kearns MP.

Huffington Post


Contraceptive services 'even worse' after coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has made a "difficult situation even worse" for women trying to access contraception, a group of MPs and peers has warned.



Councillor writes to Home Secretary urging her to deport “homophobic” pastor

A Labour councillor has written to the Home Secretary urging her to deport a "homophobic" Pastor who said there is "no such thing as a gay Christian."



CofE school announces new name that 'strengthens' its religious links

William Gladstone Church of England Primary Academy has changed its name to The King's Church of England Primary Academy. The school said it belonged to Christ the King.

Newark Advertiser


'We must stand up to China’s "repulsive" persecution of the Uyghurs'

In China's western region of Xinjiang, a modern-day Holocaust may be unfolding, says Iain Duncan Smith MP.

Politics Home


Cleric says Church of Ireland should allow same-sex marriage ceremonies

A Church of Ireland cleric says he should be given the choice to officiate marriages for same-sex couples, saying he believes the Church's current stance is "homophobic".



US: Trump announces new Supreme Court justice options in apparent appeal to religious base

President Donald Trump made what appeared to be a targeted appeal to his conservative religious base on Wednesday afternoon, announcing a slate of potential Supreme Court candidates who he suggested would protect religious liberty, oppose abortion and keep "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Religion News Service


The latest from the NSS


Plans on ‘stirring up hatred’ threaten free expression, warn MSPs

MSPs from across the political spectrum have warned that Scotland's hate crime bill threatens free expression during a Holyrood debate.


NSS welcomes decision not to hire chaplain to say council prayers

The NSS has welcomed a decision by the mayor of Swale borough council in Kent not to appoint a civic chaplain to conduct council prayers.


NSS urges easyJet to protect sex equality for passengers

The NSS has written to easyJet after a woman said she was asked to move seats to accommodate other passengers' religious beliefs.


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