Attorneys for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn accused
prosecutors in a lawsuit against Flynn of hiding exculpatory evidence.
Flynn’s team asked the judge to find the prosecutors in contempt of a
standing court order, which would lead to the prosecutors’ dismissal from
the case.
Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Department of Justice for
all hearing transcripts of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
warrants related to Carter Page and Michael Flynn.
Obama-connected wiretapping and illegal leaks of classified material
concerning President Trump and General Flynn are a scandal,” said
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch aims to get to the
truth about these crimes and we hope the Trump administration stands with
us in the fight for transparency.”
James Comey was fired, he gave the New York Times a memor written about a
conversation he had with President Trump regarding former National Security
Advisor Michael Flynn. Judicial Watch is asking a court to release of all
Comey’s unclassified memos about his conversations with the president.