Humanity, confronting the worst pandemic in a century, should be engaged in an unprecedented collective race for a cure. Under the World Health Organization, vaccine development is proceeding through a vast, global collaboration. Noticeably absent, however, is the United States. Here, President Donald Trump is intent on releasing a vaccine before the November election, placing his lust for power above the urgent demands of public health. Millions of Americans could be harmed if Trump forces the release of a vaccine before it's proven to be safe and effective.
The coronavirus contagion disproportionately impacts African American, Latinx and Indigenous communities, exposing long-standing inequities and systemic racism in our healthcare system. Despite this, communities of color in the US have been underrepresented in the clinical trials for prospective COVID-19 vaccines.
Centuries of abusive treatment at the hands of medical researchers have left people of color rightly skeptical of the experimental process. Everyone wants a cure for COVID-19 and a return to a semblance of life as we knew it. But the path forward must be inclusive, ethical, and unambiguously free of Donald Trump's racism and political thuggery.
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