New interview reveals Trump knew how dangerous COVID-19 was.


Yesterday, we learned stunning news from the Washington Post: in multiple on-the-record interviews with journalist Bob Woodward, President Trump fully admitted he knew the coronavirus was deadly, but he downplayed it anyway.

That’s right. In early February, he knew the virus was airborne, that it was more deadly than the regular flu, and that it posed a major risk to people of all ages.

And despite knowing all of that, the president called the pandemic the newest Democratic hoax. He said the fifteen cases we had at the time would quickly go down to zero. He said children were immune. He said one day the virus would just magically disappear.

Now, nearly 200,000 Americans are dead.

When asked why he didn’t publicly convey how deadly COVID-19 was, Trump admitted: “I wanted to play it down, I still like playing it down.”

Had this president honestly and seriously explained what he knew when he knew it and alerted the American people to the threat this pandemic posed to our nation, tens of thousands of lives could have been saved.

It’s now clear: this administration’s botched response to the pandemic was not out of sheer incompetence, but malfeasance. President Trump has completely failed and utterly neglected his duty to the American people.

This is yet another horrific example of this president’s lack of moral fortitude, and a sobering reminder that he must be stopped before more lives are lost.

This November is our one and only opportunity to remove this dangerous, unfit man from office. We have one shot at preventing another four years of this. We have to make it count.

Please, only if you’re able, make a contribution to support our efforts to replace Donald Trump with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, flip the Senate, and elect Democrats up and down the ticket across the country in eight weeks. There’s too much at stake for us to fail.

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I am disgusted by Trump’s blatant disregard for human life during this pandemic, and I know that each and every one of us deserves better from the President of the United States.

Let’s rise up, elect leaders who will lead the way, and build back better from the chaos this dangerous president and his allies have sown.

– Cory