Back when I was a teacher, September was an exciting time. As
classes got into full swing, my students and I were happy to be
in a safe learning environment.
This year is different -- students and teachers are going back to
school in the middle of a pandemic, coronavirus cases are
spiking, and their health is threatened.
It's critical we have a plan that ensures schools have the
resources they need for safe and accessible learning. Trump is
offering nothing.
I'm sending a message to my colleagues this week, and I need
your name next to mine -- sign on to demand that Congress support
America's schools with more resources NOW →
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As a former teacher, I know how important in-person class time
is -- those interactions are foundational for learning, and
caretakers are able to manage their own priorities knowing their
kids are in a safe environment.
But with our health threatened by the coronavirus, we can't
throw caution to the wind to get this classroom time back.
Caution is paramount, even if it means virtual learning for now.
We need to develop a detailed plan to reopen our schools. Add
your name next to mine to demand immediate action to support
America's schools:
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Thank you for prioritizing this with me.
-- Mark Takano
Since 2013, Mark Takano has represented the people of the
Inland Empire in the United States House of Representatives,
fighting for the region's progressive priorities. He's been a
voice for veterans, seniors, students, local businesses and
hardworking families. We need to hold our Democratic
Congressional majority now more than ever. The leadership of
Democrats like Mark will be critical to holding Trump accountable
and ensuring the healing of our country during this challenging
time. Please help us keep Mark in Congress fighting for our
Democratic values by contributing today!
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Paid for by Mark Takano for Congress
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