

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy.


I will fight so that no one -- not even our President -- corrupts that right.


So let’s be clear. It is against the law to vote twice in the election. It is against the law to induce others to do so. 


I’m determined to fight until every person’s voice is heard -- but the other side has millions to defeat our campaign. 


Will you chip in to our reelection campaign to help me continue this work?



Earlier this week, I released a statement along with 24 other state Attorneys General on the importance of election integrity. 


We wrote:  "To voters: we want each of you to vote and to know that state Attorneys General are here to ensure your vote is counted, your voice is heard, and our elections have integrity."


I will do everything within my power to make sure this is so -- no matter what the President has to say about it.


It’s critical that our campaign shares this message with as many voters as possible. But we need resources to do that.


Click here to help spread the word.


For democracy,



PS - If you’d like more information about voting in North Carolina, click here.



We hope that this email finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Team Stein is working remotely during this public health crisis and for the time being, we have cancelled our in-person fundraising events. Given these changes, our digital fundraising has become even more important. While we understand that not everyone will be able to support the campaign during this difficult time, we hope that those of you who are able will chip in. We are grateful to have all of you on the team.


Would you like to support our campaign by buying a t-shirt, hat, yard sign, or official Josh Stein beer stein? Click here:
Paid for by Josh Stein for Attorney General

Josh Stein for Attorney General
P.O. Box 1326
Raleigh NC 27602 United States