Tell Governor Newsom to sign AB 3216!
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AB 3216 passed the California state legislature and is headed to Governor Newsom's desk.

However, he has still not committed to sign the bill. We need to keep the heat on him!

Call Governor Newsom now to urge him to sign AB 3216 for a “right of recall” that will ensure that workers in the hardest hit industries have a chance to get their jobs back.

Working families need the security of knowing that they will have a good job to return to.

Dial 916-445-2841, then hit 1 for English, 6 to talk to an agent, and then wait on hold until you can speak to someone or leave a message.

You can use this sample script:
Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME], I live in [YOUR CITY].  I’m calling to urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 3216 for a “right of recall” to ensure that workers in the hardest hit industries have a chance to get their jobs back.

AB 3216 is essential to move us towards an equitable recovery that includes California of all ages, ethnicities, genders and family types.

Please, sign this critical bill today.

In Solidarity,

Roxana Tynan
LAANE Executive Director
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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