Celebrating CPUSA@101

The best is yet to come!

Dear John,

We hope you are well and staying healthy!


This September marks an important milestone in U.S. history. It was this September in 1919 – 101 years ago – that the Communist Party USA was born.


Not many organizations celebrate their 101st Anniversary. Fewer still mark such an occasion despite decades of political repression and vilification.  


Our organization led some of the most critical struggles in U.S. history for workers’ rights, peace, equality, and socialism. And we are active participants – and leaders – in many significant movements today.


You’ll find Communists in every struggle – for labor rights, in Black Lives Matter and women’s equality movements, for Indigenous, other people of color, and LGBTQ rights. You’ll find us in the peace, climate justice, youth and students, seniors, and immigration reform movements and battles in the electoral arena.


Celebrate our 101st Anniversary by donating $101 for 101 years of struggle!  Or by giving what you can - $10, $25, or $50.    


We believe the best is yet to come. More people, especially youth, embrace socialism as the only viable alternative to capitalism's ravages, a system without a future.


Millions are unemployed, hungry, and facing homelessness due to Covid-19, and the callous, hateful, racist nature of the Trump administration is on full display.


Millions are stuck in a widening circle of medical debt, choosing between Dr.’s bills, groceries, or rent.


The assault on Black lives and people of color, racist police murders, and the killing of George Floyd brought 15 to 26 million people to the streets to demand an end to police brutality, racism, and white supremacy.  


Support is growing for the Green New Deal and radical solutions to the climate and ecological crises that threaten all life on Earth.


Today as we celebrate the 101st Anniversary of the CPUSA, millions of people question the crisis-driven profits before people capitalist system and are exploring socialism. And many are joining the CPUSA.


Let’s build off of this momentum. Donate $101 today or give what you can - $10, $25, or $50.


A check can be made payable to CPUSA, 235 W. 23rd St., 7th Fl., New York, NY 10011.


Our history is intertwined with the fight to defend and expand democracy. Defeating the far-right and fascist danger this November is a critical part of that fight and your financial contribution will help us play an essential role in voter mobilization.


Join us in celebrating our 101st Anniversary! Donate today! 


To learn more about CPUSA history, check out Let Them Tremble: Biographical Interventions Marking 100 Years of the Communist Party, USA, a collection of six short biographies of prominent members of the Communist Party, USA – Arnold Johnson, Charlene Mitchell, Gus Hall, Henry Winston, Judith LeBlanc, and W. Alphaeus Hunton.


The book is available at International Publishers ( A Kindle version is available via Amazon. 


Together we can defeat the right-wing racist, sexist Trump administration and build a better future, a socialist future!


In solidarity,


Tony Pecinovsky

Let Them Tremble author

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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