Farmed animals raised for the meat, dairy, and egg industries are among the most abused in the country — with nine billion animals suffering on factory farms every year. That’s a staggering number, but I know you won’t back down from a tough fight, especially when innocent animals’ lives are on the line — and neither will we. Stand with us and fight back against the cruel factory farming industry today when your donation will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $100,000!
On factory farms, mother pigs, young calves, and hens are confined to crates and cages so small they cannot turn around, extend their wings or limbs, or even lie down comfortably. Male chicks are ground up alive, and piglets are killed by repeatedly slamming their heads on the ground. This is the cruelty and abuse that factory farms want to keep hidden from the public.
But your support for the Animal Legal Defense Fund — worth double today — will help shine a light on the rampant animal abuse on factory farms, and help enact powerful legislation that will end this cruelty once and for all! Together we’ll take on the massive industries that exploit animals and expose the abuse happening behind closed doors. |
John, the public deserves to know the truth about farmed animal suffering and if laws are being broken. But factory farms are determined to hide their cruel and dangerous practices by lobbying for Ag-Gag laws.
Ag-Gag laws are corporate-backed statutes that seek to “gag” would-be whistleblowers and undercover activists by making it illegal to take video or photographs in animal agriculture facilities. While a primary goal of Ag-Gag laws is to hide animal abuse, the laws hide other abuses — including workplace safety violations, food safety threats, and illegal pollution.
We’ve successfully struck down unconstitutional Ag-Gag laws in Idaho, Utah, Iowa, North Carolina, and Kansas. These victories were possible in large part because of your support. As we currently fight an insidious Ag-Gag law in Arkansas, and defend our wins in Iowa, Kansas, and North Carolina before federal appeals courts, your contribution will help to advance our efforts and ensure we’re ready to fight in other states. |
From gruesome killings of farmed animals, to worker safety concerns, to environmental and public health threats, to corporate cover-ups — the nation’s factory farm system is cruel, dangerous, and deceitful. Please help end factory farming and protect innocent animals. Give today to have your gift matched. |
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533