Tune into our Day of Action this Saturday 9/12!



We have a question for you, What is working as school begins? 

There’s no doubt this back to school season is full of unprecedented challenges. If you’re a parent, student, teacher, or administrator and feeling overwhelmed, you are far from alone. 

None of us has all the answers, but here’s what we do know: there are all kinds of good ideas and smart solutions out there right now. 

That’s why this Saturday, we’re hosting a National Day of Conversation and Action with special guests Van Jones, Arne Duncan, Dream Corps CEO Nisha Anand, and parents, students, and teachers like you to share what’s working, connect across communities, and brainstorm solutions for a path forward. Are you signed up to join us?

What: #BackToSchoolSolutions National Day of Conversation and Action

When: Saturday, September 12th at 11:30 am PT / 2:30 pm ET


Van Jones, Founder, Dream Corps

Nisha Anand, CEO, Dream Corps

Merrit Jones, Advisor, Student Voice

Arne Duncan, Managing Partner, Emerson Collective

Frances Suavillo, Student Board Member Representative, Los Angeles Unified School District

Opal Besaw, Fellow, Student Voice Journalism

Amanda Rodriguez, Teacher Representative, DonorsChoose Board of Directors

Jessica Eggert, CEO, LegUp

Since launching #BackToSchoolSolutions, we’ve heard inspiring stories from communities across the country with creative and original ways to take on the challenges of back to school. Teachers are sharing lesson plans, virtual teaching tips, and lifting each other up through this tough time. Parents are reaching across neighborhoods to start supply drives, deliver lunches, and get WiFi access to kids who need it most. 

These unlikely alliances are what Dream Corps is all about; our programs Dream Corps #cut50, Dream Corps Green For All, and Dream Corps TECH solve our country's greatest challenges on common ground with unlikely allies.

This back to school crisis isn’t something any of us would choose. But it is an opportunity to reshape our education system and make it #BetterThanBefore — one where the neighborhood you live in doesn’t dictate the quality of your education and the opportunities of your future. That’s why we want you there on Saturday to add your voice, tell us what’s working, and help us build the largest database of hope and solutions across the United States. 

RSVP: Join us for the #BackToSchoolSolutions Day Of Conversation and Action this Saturday, September 12th, at 11:30 am PT / 2:30 pm ET.

Thank you for standing with us,
— The Dream Corps team

P.S. Can’t make it? Follow #BackToSchoolSolutions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and ways to get involved.  


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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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