Together we can elect a record number of progressives to Congress this November.

Friends -

It will not surprise you to hear that our campaign was never just about electing one candidate or winning one election. It was about launching a national movement that can take on the billionaire class of this country and create a government that works for all of us.

As we are facing a horrific global pandemic, an economic collapse, the incredible crisis of climate change and the struggle for racial justice, that work has never been more important than it is today.

If we are serious about building a political revolution and transforming this country, we need to support candidates who will stand with the working class and who we can trust to fight for our agenda once they're in office.

There are six candidates for U.S. House that Bernie has endorsed, and they are counting on all of us to help send them to Congress. That is why we are asking you today:

Can you split a $10 contribution between six progressive U.S. House candidates and our campaign today? We must elect a Congress that stands with working people, not the corporate elite.

Here is a little bit about the candidates we're asking you to support today:

Julie Oliver worked for 15 years in the health care finance world where she saw firsthand how health care companies prioritize their bottom line over people. She understands that we need a Medicare for All, single-payer system.

Mike Seigel is a civil rights attorney and former public school teacher who is running a people-powered campaign that doesn't rely on support from corporate PACs. He knows that huge corporations use their money and influence to rig our government and economy to their benefit.

Audrey Denney is an educator and farmer who understands the challenges facing working people in Northern California. She has pledged not to accept corporate PAC contributions, and has run her campaign focusing on many of the same issues that are central to our movement.

Georgette Gómez is running on a platform fighting for Medicare for All, expanding affordable housing, defending immigrants' rights and standing up for working people, not wealthy special interests and large corporations.

Beth Doglio has led efforts in Washington State to address the climate crisis and develop a clean energy economy. She has also led groundbreaking legislation to combat homelessness, raise the minimum wage, and improve worker protections.

Kara Eastman is facing the same incumbent Republican she came within just 1.9 percentage points of defeating two years ago while running on a strong progressive platform that prioritizes the needs of working people in Omaha and beyond.

The truth is that our movement has a lot to be proud of and is getting stronger every day.

We've won some tremendous congressional primary victories, including Cori Bush, who defeated a 10-term incumbent in Missouri, Jamaal Bowman who defeated a 16-term incumbent in New York and Mondaire Jones who also won in New York. Further, three of the most progressive members of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar won landslide reelection victories with your support.

There are many state and local candidates who Bernie has endorsed all across this country who share our vision and are prepared to fight for issues like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, a $15 minimum wage and real criminal justice reform. That's important, because change never happens from the top down, but from the bottom on up.

Our campaign is also holding virtual town halls with voters in states like Wisconsin, Colorado, West Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. Bernie is talking directly with working people in those states about the importance of coming together to defeat Donald Trump and continuing our struggle for justice.

Progressives have a chance to make great gains this November. But in order for that to happen, it will require all of us standing together.

These candidates are ready to fight for our progressive agenda in Congress. Can they count on your support today?

Contribute $10 today to support six excellent U.S. House candidates and our campaign. Any amount you can give will make a big difference.

We understand if you are not able to contribute today. But if you can afford it, we hope you'll consider supporting these great candidates to help elect the most progressive Congress this country has ever seen.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie