Join us ONLINE for the
Free Press Second Saturday 

Saturday, September 12 from 7:00-9:00PM EDT

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 222 255 972
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Since we can't get together in person, we can gather for a couple hours on the second Saturday night of each month from 7-9pm Eastern Time on Zoom.

Lynn Stan and Candy Watkins
Announcing the virtual Hot Times Festival

Mark Stansbery
50 years of student rebellion

Cynthia Brown
De-escalate Ohio - Heartbeatmovement

Wade Rathke and Bob Fitrakis
Voter purge project and other election issues

Dave Lippman
The 99% troubadour (he’s not yet complete) and investigative songwriter afflicts the complacent, takes the air out of the windbags of the week, de-distorts history, and updates worn-out songs with parody and thrust. Specializing in passionate, comedic original songs and unsingable singalongs.
Q & A included.

If you have any announcements for the
progressive community, contact us:

[email protected]
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